
2009 SCO & BRIC Summits > SCO Member States


Updated: 2009-06-10 17:28


Tajikistan (The Republic of Tajikistan, RT) is a democratic republic in the southeast of Central Asia, with a population of 7 million and more than 80 ethnic groups, including Tajiks, Uzbeks, Russians, Tatars, and Kyrgyz. Its capital is Dushanbe. The monetary unit is Somoni. The official language is Tajik, while Russian is a language for inter-ethnic dialogue. 

The head of state is the the President of Republic of Tadjikistan (currently Emomali Rahmon), who is elected every 7 years and cannot be re-elected after two successive terms. The President is also the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces.

The national legislature of the Republic is Majlisi Oli (the Parliament). The executive power is exercised by the Government.  

With an area of 143,100 sq km, Tajikistan shares borders with Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, China and Afghanistan. The country has 3 provinces, 45 districts (including 8 districts of republican subordination), and 19 municipalities. The largest cities of the Republic are Dushanbe, Leninabad, Kurgan Tyube, Kulyab. 

The country generates electricity mainly through hydroelectric power plants. The key industries include nonferrous metallurgy, light and food industries. Its agriculture fetures cotton growing, silk farming, fruit growing and grape growing.

In September 1991, Tajikistan adopted its official name - the Republic of Tajikistan.


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