
Weekend Life
Weekend Life / Goings On

Best bets

[2015-12-05 08:03]

Shanghai Kunqu Opera - The Peony Pavilion


[2015-12-05 08:05]

War Horse in Shanghai

Try to uncover another line of play

[2015-12-05 08:03]

Abbe d'Allainval said, "The more alternatives, the more difficult the choice."

Best bets

[2015-11-28 07:33]

The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 2


[2015-11-28 07:33]


When to overruff; when to discard

[2015-11-28 07:33]

Last week, we looked at deals in which a defender had a chance to ruff in. Most of the time, it was right to ruff; but not always. This week, we move to overruffing. Occasionally, some guesswork will be needed. However, assuming that if you do not overruff, your high honor will still be a winner later, this basic guideline works much more often than not: Overruff with any singleton, doubleton king-low, doubleton queen-low, and with tripleton queen-low-low unless partner rates to be short in the suit; otherwise, discard.

Best bets

[2015-11-21 14:16]

Based on John Strauss' visit to the US in 1872, this drama is created with reference to Music, Art and Life-Li Lanqing's Essays on Music.

The defenders can get ruffs also

[2015-11-21 14:09]

Last week, we looked at when declarer should ruff or overruff, or discard when he could ruff or overruff. Over the next two weeks, let's give the defenders a chance to shine in these areas.


[2015-11-21 14:02]

The Mariinsky Orchestra is one of the oldest in Russia.

Declarer's maneuvers in the trump suit

[2015-11-14 08:23]

Mark Twain said, "Tell the truth or trump - but get the trick."

Best bets

[2015-11-14 08:23]

Theater - The Phantom of Opera in Beijing


[2015-11-14 08:23]


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