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Fake and shoddy drugs a threat to people, challenge for administrators

[2017-09-21 09:30]

China-watchers in Washington have lamented the lack of a presidential speech on China for some time.

EU welcome to work with China to help Africa

[2017-09-12 09:29]

The Bonn talks can be seen as a "success" if we consider it a critical step toward completing the "rule-book" for the 2015 Paris Agreement.

Japan historians add insult to the wounds of comfort women

[2017-09-12 09:31]

Limiting screen time to one or two hours a day, as the university's professor of psychology Jean Twenge said, would statistically fall into the safe zone for device usage.

Food trucks offer food for thought

[2017-09-15 07:56]

The recent move in the United States against foreign media organizations that receive government funding has raised serious concerns about press freedom and political bias against certain countries.

All hopes rest on Katowice to deliver on climate pledge

[2015-12-03 08:28]

Climate organizations, NGOs and environmentalists have already been criticizing the slow progress made by the rich countries.

Trump should stop issuing irresponsible trade threats

[2015-12-04 08:48]

After the Democratic People's Republic of Korea claimed to have tested a hydrogen bomb on Sunday, US President Donald Trump posted several tweets, including one declaring: "The United States is considering, in addition to other options, stopping all trade with any country doing business with North Korea."

Japan's teens have an inspiring message in love for baseball

[2016-07-04 08:18]

I'm not a baseball aficionado. But last month I was carried away by the "fighting spirit" of Japanese teenage baseball players. NHK cancels all its daytime programs to live broadcast an annual national tournament over two weeks of August.

EU-US trade relations experiencing a bumpy ride

[2016-07-17 14:01]

In his third state of union address to the European Parliament on Sept 13, European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker should refer to a check list of his team's 10 priorities when he took office in late 2014, and assess to what extent it has fulfilled them in three years-or more than halfway into his term.

Trump will find there is no quick fix to end war in Afghanistan

[2016-07-07 08:08]

In a rare prime time national address outlining his Afghanistan strategy on Monday night, US President Donald Trump ruled out a quick withdrawal of US troops, saying that a rapid exit of the US troops would have unacceptable consequences and “create a vacuum” that the Islamic State and al-Qaida would fill.

Have the wheels come off the bike-sharing industry?

[2014-02-25 10:30]

It is always painful to see something useful being turned into rubbish, and that may be the tragic fate shared bikes are embracing.

TCM therapy offers much food for thought

[2015-11-28 09:11]

An official's governance capability will greatly improve if he or she approaches the problems in the same way a TCM practitioner diagnoses a physical ailment.

Weigh pros and cons before randomly using AI technology

[2017-06-26 17:00]

We may not see similar protests today, but history should serve as a warning against the indiscriminate development and application of AI technology.

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