
American basketball coaches visit Chinese pupils

Updated: 2014-06-19 16:42

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A team of eleven American basketball coaches from Mississippi State University came to visit No.1 Primary School in Kunming National Hi-Tech Industries Development Zone, giving the students training sessions and interacting happily with them on campus.

American basketball coaches visit Chinese pupils

An American basketball coach with the pupils in No.1 Primary School in Kunming Hi-Tech

The pupils practiced basic skills of basketball, such as dribbling, passing the ball, basketball shots and defense, under the guidance of the American coaches, whose live demonstration and instruction attracted both students and the PE teaching group of the school. To push this activity to a new high, the American coaching group played a game with the school PE teachers.

American basketball coaches visit Chinese pupils

They are taking a group photo together

Later, the PE staff held a symposium with the American basketball coaches, exchanging training approaches and effective teaching principles. No.1 Primary School was highly inspired by this activity.
