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Expressway being finished ahead
Updated: 2010-08-05

Expressway being finished ahead

The first part of Fuzhou city expressway is scheduled to be open on National Day, Oct.1 this year making the provinces near Fujian real neighbors. It takes only 10 minutes to get to Lianjiangguiyang, 15 minutes to Lianjiangchengguan and half an hour to Lianjiangdanyang, which are the counties and cities near Fuzhou.

Expressway being finished ahead

The part between Tongpanxiling and Lianjiangyangmen is going to be finished. In order to complete the whole project as early as possible, several groups of workers are contributing all their efforts on the final piece. Currently 85% of the first part of Fuzhou city expressway has been completed with the remains upcoming.

Expressway being finished ahead

Fuzhou City Expressway in the future will definitely bring benefits to Fuzhou and its neighbors. It cuts the unnecessary travelling time making the journey a more convenient and comfortable one.

Photo source: FZNEWS.COM.CN

By Tang Zhi