
  • Guide
How to set up a resident representative office?

Updated: 2014-01-17

Foreign traders, manufacturers, shipping agents, economic organizations and other groups shall report, according to the nature of their business, to the Ministry of Commerce (Mofcom) or other relevant ministries, committees or bureaus, which have been authorized for examination and approval of the setup of resident offices. Proxy authorized by Mofcom will go through examination and approval procedures. Business activities of established institutions can only be in the range of business connections, product introductions, marketing, technology exchanges and consulting services. Direct business activities are prohibited.

Documents required and necessary procedures:

(1) Application for setting up the office: The application shall include company background, business conditions, purpose for the office, company name, person in charge, scope of business, location and operational terms. he chairman or president of the enterprise, should sign the application along with the enterprise's seal. (Original)

(2) A certificate of authorization to the representative accredited to the office issued by the chairman or president of the enterprise. (Original)

(3) Copy of certificate of legal operation or copy of certificate of registration provided by proper authorities of the country or region where the enterprise originated.

(4) Bank reference provided by the bank of the country or region where the enterprise comes from: The bank reference, to be signed by the person in charge or business manager of the bank, shall state the enterprise's registered capital and present amount of deposit, as well as the reputation of its flexing capitals after opening the account. (Original)

(5) Resume of representative accredited to the office. The resume, including both educational and working background, should be detailed, specific and true. Disconnection is not allowed. Two photographs of each representative are required.

(6) Identification papers of representatives. For representatives of foreign nationality, copy of passport of the country he holds should be submitted. For compatriots from Hong Kong and Macao, copy of certification for a returning to his hometown and permanent resident identification should be submitted. If domestic personnel take the post as representative or chief representative, approval and identification from Beijing Foreign Enterprise Service Corporation (FESCO) are needed.