Does fresh parsley turn slimy in your fridge? Is that two-year-old frozen
turkey still safe to eat? Should you get rid of that slightly moldy cheese? The
old adage "When at a loss, give it a toss" is certainly a safe bet. But you can
avoid throwing food (and money) down the drain with our food storage guide.
Buy milk in cardboard cartons or nontranslucent jugs. Translucent containers
allow light to seep in, which can cause milk to spoil. Store milk in a
refrigerator that is set below 40 degrees, and don’t store it in the door. Items
stored there are susceptible to warm air that enters the fridge each time you
open it.
Discard unused milk after the container has been open for a week, no matter
what the sell-by date is. Milk may be frozen for up to three months.
Ice cream has a shelf life of two to four months, as long as it’s stored in a
freezer that is set at 0 degrees.
Yogurt should be used within 7 to 10 days of purchase.
Butter will keep in the refrigerator, tightly wrapped, for one month and may
be frozen for up to six months.
Hard cheeses like cheddar, Gouda and Swiss will keep for three to four weeks,
tightly wrapped, in the refrigerator once they’ve been opened.
Remove mold from cheese by cutting a one-inch square around it. The rest is
safe to eat.
Processed cheese spreads will keep for three to four weeks in the
refrigerator after they’ve been opened. Cream cheese will keep for about 2
weeks, ricotta cheese for 5 days, cottage cheese for 10 to 30