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Why we cannot negotiate with a pathological liar?
wchao37  Updated: 2004-10-10 08:58

The basis of any negotiation with Taiwan Island is twofold:

First, the man we are dealing with must be sincere and trustworthy. Chen Suibian does not pass the mustard in this test alone.

Second, the One China Principle needs to be adhered to throughout the talks. Chen can say he represents the province of Taiwan or even the whole of China, but he cannot say he represents the 'nation of Taiwan' when the talks start.

If his past record is any guide, Chen fails miserably on both counts, and that's why we will have nothing to do with him. Negotiating with such a man will only aggravate the situation because the world will think we have stepped back from the One China Principle.

Just two days ago the clown made the 'guarantee' that during his term of office until 2008, there will be no cross-strait war, as if he can start a war all by himself and that he does not need a go-ahead signal from the White House.

Of course that's just another one of his pack of lies.

The Taiwan situation is like a time bomb and America thinks that China dares not fight right now because of her relative military and technological inferiority and that the Pentagon alone has control of the igniter of the fuse leading to the bomb. It can wait until 'the evil three' are taken care of before she tackles China in a few years' time.

So my question is should China sit around and react according to the hegemon's time table, or should she adopt a less catatonic posture?

America has the industrial capacity and Japan the technological edge plus money to perfect their NMD system within the next decade. As soon as that is completed they will find a ton of reasons to attack China.

No matter how we plead to them to maintain peace in our world they will never listen.

That's why Xiang Yu's rationale at Ju Lu to strike at the opportune moment is exemplary for us today.

Hell, Japan wouldn't even acknowledge the horrific enormity of the Nanjing massacre. She is trying like mad to sneak into the UN Security Council through the back door without taking up any responsibility for her past genocidal behavior resulting in the death of 35 million Chinese.

Remember that the UN was created precisely to thwart the attempts of militarist regimes like Germany and Japan to arise from the ashes again. Germany has gained a measure of respect for her atonement, but what has Japan done?

Presently she is using the expected rejection by the UNSC for permanent membership this year to convince her home audience that they need to scrap their 'peaceful' constitution, and Chen's 'government' is goading them on, saying that taiwan will fight alongside the Japanese against the Mainland.

Now what kind of cock-eyed gibberish is that?

How do you negotiate with someone who has proven himself time and again to be untrustworthy to the nth degree?

How do you negotiate with someone who would not even acknowledge the On China premise upon which all negotiations should be based.

China's promise of a 'peaceful rise' means that when she is strong enough to take all the marbles she will not act like a hegemon and will be fair in her dealings with the rest of humanity.

Even then, China will go on acting as a responsible member of the international community, treating nations rich and poor, big and small, black and white equally.

One must not confuse such a goodwill promise of 'peaceful rise' with the unprincipled, cowardly position of failing to resist aggression from a technologically superior foe and letting the aggressor choose the time and place of a pre-emptive military confrontation.

Therefore, it is pure gobadigook muddle-headed thinking to put an 'ultra-nationalist' label on such self-evident righteousness

The above content represents the view of the author only.
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