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Shanghai News Digest
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Shanghai to ban heavily polluting vehicles from downtown in rush hour
Winter swimming may be good for your health
Even babies are crazy about English
Jealous monkeys go bananas over lover
Millionaire seeks wife in Shanghai
Life in plastic not as fantastic as many think
Skyscraper Olympics offer lofty competition
Pudong int'l airport to expand
Tourist office offers singles' tours
Widow files suit for artist's fortune
Young men find girls just as shallow
Eligible men sell themselves for festival
Sky no limit as women pilots fly high
Single mums advice line established
Shanghai has hardest working middle classes
Ancient Chinese literature low on student agenda
Deaths spark campus call for bike ban
Years of wedded bliss marked at Fudan
Power controls looked at
Luxury toilet popular
Shanghai subway to commemorate Chen
More money in Shanghai pockets
Penguin paradise up at Shanghai Zoo
Volunteers assist people with psychological aid
Number of job seekers sets a record
Musical carnival in Pudong
Captured peacock sent to live at zoo
University area kept free of traffic
Private yachts ready to sail
Shanghai issues permanent residency permits
Students aiming for Hong Kong colleges
Map plots the route to quality health care
Jackets doffed as city gets hot
Shanghai school bans cell phones
Men in Shanghai age early
Sapphire Princess makes local debut
Wedding feasts bloom in May despite Rooster
Old couple go under knife to recapture youth
Bars set up to control metro crowds
Charitable supermarket opens for business
Smallest woman now a bit taller, thanks
One million tomb sweepers this weekend
Student invention paves way for colourblind
Baby models wanted: Three-year-olds OK
Poll shows Shanghai "most livable"city
Shanghai touted as China's most livable
Marriage on curriculum in Shanghai schools
Spooky house caters to frightened clientele
SMS taxi service now available in Chinese
Male pre-school teachers meet resistance

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