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Chrysanthemum Throne

日本自民黨憲法調查會于11月提出了引人注目的修憲大綱草案,提議確認天皇為國家元首,并允許女性擔任天皇。在天皇地位方面,草案稱天皇是“國家元首,日本歷史、傳統(tǒng)、文化和統(tǒng)一的象征”,而王位繼承應是血脈相承,“與性別無關”。外電報道如下:The Japanese government hopes to make changes to the constitution that will allow a woman to ascend the Chrysanthemum Throne within "several years," a news report said.

The government hopes to make the change after consulting a panel of experts, the Mainichi Shimbun said, without citing its sources.

Polls have indicated public support for female succession of the throne, as no male heirs have been born into the royal family in nearly four decades.

The government was also considering allowing female members of the royal family to keep their imperial status even after they marry commoners, the newspaper said.

Chrysanthemum Throne表示“天皇王位”,因為菊花是日本的國花(櫻花是民間國花),也是日本皇室的徽標。在日本,菊花代表長生不老,也是勢力、尊嚴和崇高的象征,因此日本皇室被稱為“菊花皇室”。



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