Ukrainian performers discover Chinese art | Ep. 6: Andrew joins Chinese percussion band
The gong and drum are essential parts of traditional Chinese music. Ukrainian performer Andrew will join a gong and drum band session with state-level musicians from the China National Opera and Dance Drama Theater, including percussionist Tong Shengyuan.
Let's find out what kind of traditional Chinese musical instruments Andrew has tried and how well he can play in this new episode.
The short-video series, Discover Chinese art @CNODDT, with seven episodes in total, is co-produced by the China National Opera and Dance Drama Theater and China Daily Website. The series will be uploaded online on Mondays and Wednesdays.
Let's embrace Chinese culture this summer and get immersed in the richness of traditional Chinese music and dance!
Tune in to watch it first at:
Ukrainian performers discover Chinese art | Ep. 5: Dancing to 'Song of Jade'
- Ukrainian performers discover Chinese art | Ep. 5: Dancing to 'Song of Jade'
- Ukrainian performers discover Chinese art | Ep. 4: Learning Chinese drums
- Ukrainian performers discover Chinese art | Ep. 3: Learning Chinese dance
- Ukrainian performers discover Chinese art | Ep. 2: Experiencing Chinese percussion
- Ukrainian performers discover Chinese art | Episode 1: First impressions